Nippon Express

Nippon Express Company, Ltd., was established in 1937 in line with the Nippon Tsu-un Kaisha Law as a semi-government transportation enterprise. The Company was created by pooling the assets of Kokusai Tsu-un KK (International Express Co., Ltd.), which consolidated many of the nation's small-scale rail transport companies, and six other competitors, with additional funding from the Japanese government. As World War II progressed, the need for a centralized approach to transport deepened throughout Japan, and the government combined the transportation companies operating in all of the nation's major cities into what would later become Nippon Express. In 1950, under the Express Business Act and the Commercial Law Act, the company was relaunched as a private concern. Since that time, Nippon Express has expanded and developed its business in tandem with the Japanese economy as a whole.
Since we opened our first overseas representative office in New York in 1958, the Nippon Express global network has spread to over 389 locations in 37 countries with 16,317 personnel supporting our customers’ daily business processes. (AsofSeptember. 30, 2011)
Nippon Express Russia Limited Liability Company was established in 2006 with its head office located in Moscow and branches in Saint- Petersburg and Yaroslavl.