Nielsen, a global leader in measurement and information, provides clients the most complete understanding of what consumers watch and buy.
At Nielsen, we are always innovating to keep pace with emerging market trends and the increasingly diverse, demanding and connected consumer. Whether our clients are in media, consumer packaged goods, telecom or advertising, our expansive data and measurement capabilities provide market context and confidence through our long history of innovation and integrity.
With nearly 34,000 employees in 100+ countries around the world, Nielsen offers a diverse range of career opportunities – full time, part-time, internships and co-ops.
For further information, please, visit our web-site:
Nielsen Case Competition 2012
The Nielsen Company, the world’s leading provider of global marketing information and consumer insights, invites you to participate in the Regional European round of the 2012 Nielsen Case Competition!
You will have a chance to work on a real business challenge faced by Nielsen in today’s dynamic global economy. You will be asked to
“Define a winning strategy for a business venture”
The case competition is an excellent opportunity to prove your creativity, innovation, analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The winning team in Russia will travel to Nielsen’s office in Geneva for the European final to present their case solution to senior members of Nielsen’s European Executive Committee.
The winners of the European final will receive a one-week trip to a Nielsen office in a European city outside of Russia including transport, accommodation, meals, sightseeing and work experience!
Register for the case competition by sending you CV to: [email protected] indicating “Nielsen Case Competition 2012” in the subject area.
Registration is open for students registered for and currently attending an undergraduate/graduate program.
Applications are accepted from individuals and teams (4-6 members).
Apply before April, 15th, 2012.
In 100 countries around the world, Nielsen provides clients the most complete understanding of what consumers watch and buy.
For more information about our company, please, visit our web-site:
Participating in our case competition will help you explore Nielsen’s vast consumer research & consulting capabilities while developing actionable, business driving insights - just like Nielsen associates do on a daily basis!
Experience Nielsen, enjoy the competition and good luck!